Body Mind Bridge™
Do you experience areas of resistance in your life that you just can’t seem to get past, things that seem to block your path again and again? BodyMind Bridge™ is a therapeutic system of self-healing that puts the client in charge and uses a skilled guide to help unite awareness of the physical body with the power of the deeper mind to create fundamental change.
Our bodies help us do many things and hold more innate wisdom than we often know. Many people experience physical and emotional pain for which no physical source can be found, but that doesn’t make that pain or its source any less real. While often dismissed as psychosomatic or “all in your head”, the body feels the effects of these pains as fully as if they came from wounds we could physically clean, stitch up, and bandage.
Our minds are powerful and capable of helping us survive many stressful, frightening experiences. During times of crisis, times when expressing our fear and our feelings isn’t safe, our minds hold those feelings inside our bodies, often for years and decades. Our minds can also help us move beyond these old stressors and build habits that will serve us well in the lives we want to live.
With the guidance of a BodyMind Bridge™ practitioner, you can learn to access, address, and heal from the mental and emotional stresses and wounds that your body has held inside. Within a safe environment, your BodyMind Bridge™ guide helps to unite the awareness of your physical body with the power of your mind, which often leads to the relief of seemingly sourceless chronic pain and to the release of old habits and behaviors that no longer serve you.
BodyMind Bridge™ uses hypnotherapy techniques to bring the conscious, waking mind into the subconscious mind and address blockages and areas of resistance, creating lasting, fundamental change. Often times the word ‘hypnosis’ brings to mind a stage performer making audience volunteers cluck like a chicken. Fortunately, BodyMind Bridge™ uses a more modern, scientific approach without any poultry-based performances. These stage hypnotists use an earlier, authoritarian approach to hypnosis which sees the mind as incapable and in need of outside guidance.
From this Freudian beginning, psychiatrist Milton Erickson and his protege Stephen Gilligan advanced the field of hypnotherapy toward an understanding that the conscious and subconscious are both valuable and complimentary, and the hypnotherapist facilitates the connection between the conscious and the subconscious.
Founded by registered hypnotherapist, teacher, and author Shuna Morelli, the BodyMind Bridge Institute™ takes the work of Erickson and Gilligan and seeks to explore a more complete understanding of the vital interplay of mind and emotion with physical healing. Advancing on the great work done before us, BodyMind Bridge™ moves us toward a new perspective, allowing us to better guide and teach our clients to heal themselves.
Photo by Aaron Burden
BodyMind Bridge™ Classes
We’re excited to now offer BodyMind Bridge™ classes for all those interested in becoming a practitioner themselves. Whether you’re a therapist looking to expand your toolbox, or someone looking for a breakthrough in your own healing journey, this class will teach you about the BodyMind Bridge™ Method of Self Healing, where ancient healing practices and modern, scientific hypnotherapy work hand-in-hand to facilitate life-changing healing experiences.
After completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion from the BodyMind Bridge™ Institute and LMTs earn 38 CEUs
Our first class begins Saturday, May 1st 2021! To learn more, email
“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” - Albert Einstein